The uncrowned king of Bombay S.K Patil long time ago said that Bombay should go to Gujrat and not maharashtra.This statement invited a load of hatred for him from the people of this state.Inspite of his marathi background he never supported the decision of bombay being a part of maharashtra for his own valid reasons.It is said that he expressed his disappointment over the garden being named after his name while he was alive.
I was always in a misconception of the japanese garden being renamed as S.K Patil garden but the fact was absolutely different.In the 1950's on that plot there used to be an anglo-scottish cemetry.The contract of turning the cemetry into a garden was given to a japanese contractor.The design was purely japanese without any infliction of Indian or European style.Japanese technology was used in structuring the area.As soon as the garden was ready it was instantly named S.K Patil and never the japanese garden.
Although now it remain secluded because people hardly visit gardens.The reason is pretty apparent -with the increasing number of malls and entertainment zones,the crowd has conviniently forgotten to take walks in gardens admiring the atmosphere.For some significance of a garden is nothing but to an area to grow flowers and not a place to exchange thoughts and ideas personally.......
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